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Indoor Schedule, Seven Saturdays at GameTime; January 11 through February 22.

Field 1:

9-10 AM ______K2 boys

10-11 AM _____ Boys 5/6 & 7/8 ( will run like a camp.)

11-12 PM _____ Girls MS

12-1 pm ______Girls Youth 3-4th & 5-6th

1-2PM ________Girls Youth K2

Field 2:

9-10 am _____ 3/4 boys

Registration is OPEN for Spring 2025!


Payment Options

  • PAY ONLINE IN FULL:  Submit total fees online today upon conclusion of this registration session via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account.
  • PAYMENT PLAN:  Fees are divided into 3 installments with the first installment to be collected online today (50% down) upon conclusion of this registration session via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account. The remaining balance will be automatically debited from the SAME ACCOUNT on  11/15/2024  (25% payment) and 1/17/2025 (25% payment less any discounts).
    • If you wish to use a different account to pay the balance, please log in to your SportsEngine account BEFORE the first day of payment to update your account information.

Payment Options will be available for selection on the Shopping Cart Page.

After October 31, registration fees are as follows:

  • Jr High Boys $335
  • Jr High Girls $285
  • Youth grades 3-6 boys/girls $245
  • K-2 Instructional boys/girls $150

Sibling discounts are applied at checkout if in the same shopping cart.

  • 2nd child discount $25
  • 3rd child discount $50
  • 4th+ child discount $50

Lakota Youth Lacrosse Club

As of 2018, Lacrosse is a Varsity sport at both Lakota East and West.  The Lakota Lacrosse Club was founded in 1997, and is a nonprofit volunteer led organization providing the opportunity each year for over 200 Lakota athletes from kindergarten to 8th grade to competitively play this fast growing sport.


Proud Sponsor of Lakota Youth Club

Contact Lakota Lacrosse